Company details


Modern, Natural, Relaxed

WonderLove School Photography


Hello!  My name is Courtney Lee, and I am the owner and principal photographer at WonderLove School Photography.  I have been a photographer for almost 10 years, and there is absolutely nothing I would rather be doing, because my work as a school photographer really brings me SO much happiness!  

Photographing children, at their schools and in their little environments, is such an honor.  I enjoy getting to interact with them and capturing each and every one of their wonderful personalities.  As a mother to two young and energetic boys I fully appreciate how fast this time flies and how important it is to document these important moments.  I, and every one of my staff, work exceptionally hard to make sure each child is happy and enjoys getting their photo taken at school.  We want the school photography experience to be enjoyable and fun for everyone, most especially the kids and their parents!

I photograph children, families and seniors, and I have to say that school photography is my absolute favorite!  School photo days are always so fun and exciting, plus then I get the pleasure to meet so many little faces and so see many wonderfully cute personalities!  It really is the best job ever!

I am a wife and a mom and a small business owner, and I take my role as a school photographer very seriously.  With each school that we photograph I know that I have been given such an amazing opportunity to meet all these perfect little humans and to get to know each and every one of them, even if just for a few moments.  

Please know that if we are photographing your child’s school I will be there talking with them, telling them how smart they are and how adorable they are, and that I will do my my very, very best to help them have fun so that we can get some photos which show their true, one-of-a-kind personality.


Courtney Lee
Owner + Principal Photographer
3940 Legacy Drive | Ste. 106-314 | Plano, TX 75023